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klimaschutz / Playing with climate models

Playing with climate models

Page history last edited by Maiken Winter 15 years, 10 months ago

Here we list webpages where you can try out different models on the efefcts of climate change on various topics.

Education Global Climate Model (EdGCM)

A great webside on which kids can model their own climate and see how climate is affected by various factors: EdGCM

The EdGCM Project develops and distributes a research-quality global climate model (GCM) with a user-friendly interface that runs on desktop computers. Anyone can explore the subject of climate change using the same methods and tools that scientists employ. The software allows users to experience the full scientific process including: designing experiments, setting up and running computer simulations, post-processing output, using scientific visualization to display results, and creating scientific manuscripts ready for publishing to the web.


Effects on the economy: 

See for yourself.

How reducing greenhouse gas emissions will affect the American economy. Webside by Yale University


Effects on see level 

Maps from anywhere in the world to different sea level rises (only in meters) by the Department of geosciences of the University of Arizona To go streight to the map-maker click here.


Cresis; maps for different levels of sealevel rise in different parts of the world.




Playing with maps, showing everything from justice, sea-level rise, and science: 

Climate cartographics.

How can we make the intangible tangible? How can we see climate change, locate it, pinpoint its effects?  This blog is a course project to explore the role of maps in communicating climate change.  We recognise all maps as arguments, proposing not only the location of something, but claiming particular meanings, values, and agendas.  Following the work of Denis Wood and John Fels in their recent book The Natures of Maps (2008), we investigate how maps can propose various meanings of climate change. This is a project of a January-term  Geography course at Middlebury College entitled, “The Cartography of Climate Change,” by visiting instructor Molly Holmberg.

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